
Is FK Visuals?

"FK" stands for Florian Koch

I am 23 year old filmmaker based in in Lower Austria. What I enjoy most about filmmaking is the ability to tell stories visually and transmitting emotion in a way other media just can't. I truly believe that technical execution plays a big roll in how something is perceived and can make or brake a story. That's why I strive for excellence with every project I do and put a huge effort into perfecting the technical aspects of filmmaking.

From Athlete to Filmmaker

I've always done very well in sports. So well in fact, that a friend of mine and I wanted to start a fitness related Youtube Channel. We had no Idea on how to shoot video, but as we had some spare change lying around, we baught a camera and a lens right away. The initial plan failed, and our youtube channel never really started. The friendship however lasts until today. We continued to work out together, and one day met a really talented BMX rider while working out. As it turns out he was looking for someone to film his riding. With the camera just sitting on my shelf I gave it a try, and actually had a ton of fun doing so.


Did he start?


Is he now?

Studying by day, editing all night

After doing this for some years, and after putting out some entertaining, yet mediocre quality, videos I decided to take my Production value to a different level. I wanted to turn my pasion into my profession, so I applied for "Media Technology" studys at FH St.pölten. In summer 2019 I was accepted.

As turns out, I made a great decision, as I am learning exactly what I need to know, and am building a network of people to help me out on every kind of Project. Thank's to these people my video quality improves faster than ever before, and I learned really valuable lessions on how to work in a team on a production.

Right now we are not just working on videos for university, but also do the one or the other paid Project. All of this has lead to some pretty stressful days, and countless "late night editing shifts", but to be honest I really enjoy all of this. It feel's great to put out a Video and know it's just that tiny bit better than the last one.